Study North is a unique partnership initiative of six leading Ontario colleges.

Study North is about offering alternatives and options to your college education.
We know you are looking for a college with good education leading to a job opportunity. That’s a given.
But how about a college experience with more! One that will make you learn as much about yourself as you will about the program you’re interested in.
Each of these six colleges provide top notch diploma and specialized programs with high standards, smaller classes with great faculty so you’re known by name and not as an ID number.
All of the northern colleges have impeccable student / graduate satisfaction rates and high job placement after graduation.
The communities in which these colleges are located are clean, safe, vibrant, caring cities with low crime rates, great transit, shopping and dining, outdoor experiences, nightlife and other indulgences! And that’s not all.
Each college have competitive fees, modern residence facilities, useful student services, offer amazing financial assistance through scholarships and bursaries, and varsity and intramural sport options.
Important Dates
Early October 2020: Online Application Opens
In early October, access to the online college application becomes available for programs beginning in the following academic year (August to July). You may create an account and begin your application.
February 1, 2021: Equal Consideration Date
Apply on or before this date in order to receive equal consideration for admission to programs starting the following fall. After this date, colleges consider applicants on a first-come, first-served basis until programs are full.
Note that applications to Highly Competitive Programs must be received by this date in order to be considered. As these programs receive a high volume of applicants, all seats may be filled by February 1.
Applicants are encouraged to complete their applications well before the Equal Consideration Date, as website volumes on the online application are at their highest at this time.
Many programs continue to accept applicants after February 1. Use our Find a Program tool at any time to find programs that are still open.
February 1, 2021: Earliest Offer Date
This is the earliest date that colleges may begin to send offers of admission to programs for the upcoming academic year. Offers will continue to be issued until programs are filled or wait-lists are established.
June 2021: Tuition Deposit Due at the Colleges
The colleges require payment of a tuition deposit in June to secure your spot in your program. Each college sets its own tuition deposit amount and payment deadline. This information will be communicated to you by the college.
May 1, 2021: Deadline to Confirm Offers of Admission
Applicants must confirm their acceptance of an offer of admission by this date. Log in to your account to confirm your offer.
Colleges may extend offers of admission after this date. Each college will set the deadline to confirm offers made after May 1, and this deadline will be communicated to you with your offer.